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2023 EKF Senior Championships to be held in Spain

2023 EKF Senior Championships to be held in Spain

2023 EKF Senior Championships to be held in Spain

The 58th edition of the European Senior Karate Championships will be held in Spain. The city of Guadalajara will host the 2023 EKF Senior Championships which is scheduled for March 24 to 26, 2023.

Following the resolution of the EKF Executive Committee to cancel the 2023 EKF Senior Championships in Moscow (Russia) due to the conflict in Ukraine, European Karate’s decision-making body has agreed to award the Royal Spanish Karate Federation the organisation of next year’s edition of Europe’s biggest event.

Guadalajara already hosted the EKF Senior Championships in 2019. Spain have welcomed the event two more times in the last two decades as Tenerife was the venue of the tournament in 2005 and 2012.

This decision is still subject to ratification of the EKF Congress to be held in May 2022 in Gaziantep (Turkey).

EKF and WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“We believe that Spain will be a very suitable host for the 2023 EKF Senior Championships and I am convinced that athletes will find the best conditions in Guadalajara despite the current challenging circumstances, as they did the last time that the event was held there in 2019.

“I want to thank the Spanish Federation and its President Antonio Moreno for their cooperation and their willingness to host the competition on such short notice. This is one more showcase that the Karate world is united in these difficult times.”






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